The Global Faith Project is a ministry dedicated to expanding the Kingdom of God through connecting churches across cultures and equipping leaders around the world.
The Global Faith Project is a ministry dedicated to expanding the Kingdom of God through connecting churches across cultures and equipping leaders around the world.
We provide resources to full time missionaries, pastors, and teachers who are doing the frontline work in building the kingdom in their native countries (particularly focusing on the majority world.) The resources come in the form of financial support, discipleship, and leadership training grounded in the scriptures.
We create links between churches. Our specialty is cross-cultural partnerships such as connecting a church in the United States with a church in the majority world. Global Faith Project is active in countries throughout the world including Cuba, North Africa, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador, Columbia, France, United Kingdom, Dallas and beyond.
The cross-cultural partnerships are solidified through short-term mission trips/projects both internationally and nationally.
Greg Headington is a leader, Bible teacher, and pastor dedicated to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ around the globe. For the past 25 years, Greg has travelled far and wide to be an encouragement for followers of Jesus, especially in impoverished or high-risk areas in the majority world. His focus is to equip and resource the church to be sources of Christian discipleship, community poverty alleviation, and human flourishing. He is especially passionate about connecting churches in the majority world with those in the United States. This cross-fertilization provides mutual blessing and a fuller picture of the Kingdom of God on earth.
Greg Headington was born in Dallas, Texas October 2, 1951 to Clare and Catherine Headington in Dallas, Texas. When Greg was 4 yrs. old. the family moved to Oklahoma City where he and his older brother Tim Headington and younger sister Jeanette Headington (Kern) were reared.
Greg attended Oklahoma State University where he played on the OSU Varsity Tennis Team and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English in 1973. During his time in college, Greg helped start Young Life, a program of Christian formation and character development for young people at Stillwater High School, an organization he gives his time and treasure to, to this day both nationally and internationally.
Greg then enrolled in Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California to begin his theological studies. Greg received his Masters in Divinity and went on to receive his Doctorate of Ministry degree as well.
Greg continued his work with Young Life helping start a club for youth at South Pasadena High School. While in seminary, Greg began working with prisoners, engaging in weekly prison visits and Bible studies for inmates. Greg continues to work with incarcerated people to this day.
In the 1980s, Greg moved to Houston and helped start one of the first AIDS outreaches, visiting and helping people suffering from the disease.
During this time, Greg helped started an orphanage in Merida, Yucatan and Cochabomba, Bolivia. He also brought medical supplies to Sophia, Bulgaria, was active in The Shoulder which helped people struggling with addiction to drugs and alcohol. Greg also served with Youth Reach Houston which cares for run-away youth and was one of the first board members for Life House, which temporarily houses pregnant women and helps them in early months of motherhood.
During Greg’s years in Houston, he also served as Chaplain to the Houston Rockets, Houston Astros, and Houston Oilers (into the early 1990s).
Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Greg and his family provided 19 scholarships for people of color to attend Fuller Theological Seminary.
In Feb. 1998, Greg made his first mission trip to Cuba and has been going ever since, twice a year and has just made his 43rd visit. Greg always says his heart is set on Cuba time. In a country where the monthly income is $25, Greg has supported the poorest of the poor educationally, physically, and spiritually.
In 2010, Greg founded and developed Global Faith Project, an initiative joining the resources in the United States with needs in the majority world. His work has taken him to North Africa, and various countries in Latin America.
In 2011, Greg returned to his native Dallas, Texas where he has been actively involved in the Greater Dallas Coalition, caring for the poor in the DFW metroplex.
He met his wife Carrie Boren (insert link to my webpage) in 2011 and together, they have created the Dallas Champions Academy which has a summer program for inner city youth, year-round mentoring, Christian formation, and college placement and retention. In the past few years, Carrie and Greg have seen 18 young people from poverty stricken homes receive scholarships to college, all being the first in their family to attend.
Greg and Carrie live their lives in service to others abroad, serving those in need, building up the church, and at home feeding the poor, providing scholarships, mentoring, and opening their home every other week to international students at Southern Methodist University.
Their mission in life is following the way of Jesus in service. They know first-hand that joy comes in giving and reaching beyond self to love and serve others.